Prioritizing the employee experience with R Wireless

R Wireless has over 30 stores spanning across several states in the US. Customer satisfaction is at the core of everything that they do, and they pride themselves on being a diligent team focussed on enhancing the customer experience.

R Wireless

Statflo’s Enterprise Customer Success Manager Jacqueline Olson recently caught up with Elvin Berndt, VP Sales and Business Development at R Wireless to discuss their unique approach to dealing with the disruption caused by COVID-19.

[Download this one-pager for a summary of R Wireless' story]

Despite having the option of staying in business, Elvin and his R Wireless team shut down all 36 stores in the Tri-State area back in March when the pandemic started peaking in North America. Employee safety, customer safety, and community safety, Elvin says, were the sole driving forces behind this decision.

Elvin and his team unanimously felt the need to give their employees some time to come to terms with the unprecedented situation. Rather than focus on the business implications of their decision, they tried to make sure that their employees had everything they needed to navigate through these trying times.

“Our single largest asset is our staff. Once you have that figured out, taking all other decisions becomes relatively easier. You can’t rebuild businesses without employees. So, fortifying your workforce as best as you can is the only logical way to go about things.” - Elvin Berndt

The R Wireless team began the process of reopening their stores in a phased manner in April. During nearly a month when all their stores were shut, they used Statflo to stay connected to their customers via text messaging.

“Statflo helped us stay in touch with our customers and keep them informed about everything that was happening at our end. Even when we were closed and did not have any frontline employees to communicate with the customers, our customers were able to reach us through Statflo.”

Here’s what we learned from our interaction with Elvin

1. Technology and connectivity will help you weather this storm

Owing to this pandemic, people have started to learn about the tremendous potential of technology and the power of digital connectivity. With the entire world working from home and conducting their day-to-day dealings online, integrating communication technology into your businesses is the only way to stay in the game.

2. Constant communication with your employees is key

Being in touch with your employees and checking in with them regularly is critical today more than ever. You need to have a dialogue with your staff to understand their concerns and keep them updated about what you are doing as an employer to help them out.

3. All your decisions must take into account employee feedback

Every strategy, every decision must take into account what the employees feel. It is necessary to address their issues and keep the decision-making process transparent. Doing this will reassure your employees that their safety and wellbeing are of utmost importance to you. Prioritizing employee safety will make them feel comfortable and motivated to come back to work.

4. Most of the current measures imposed should become a permanent part of business

Even after we get past the pandemic, we should continue to follow most of the current measures to ensure long-term safety. It will not only bring more order and direction to the way we operate but will also help employees to stay healthier and happier.

Watch the interview below for more details